Galactic Creatures Wiki

Kokatorimon appeared in the 1999 animated TV series called Digimon Adventure. Kokatorimon is a Bird Digimon. It has two overdeveloped legs, and because it has continued to live on the ground for so long, it cannot fly through the air, and has digivolved a body that is suited for land. For that reason, its body became even larger, and its leg strength has developed tremendously, as well. Its wing portions have completely degenerated, and in battles it spreads them wide along with its tail to intimidate the opponent. Its disposition is violently ferocious, but in order to preserve its large build, it dislikes violent battles that consume its energy. Kokatorimon is a giant chicken-like Digimon. Its body is covered in creamish white feathers with its wings purple at the ends while its tail feathers are purple at the base and red at the tip. The upper mandible of its mouth is covered in rhinotheca with teeth while the lower mandible us covered in feathers with three protruding teeth at the tip. It has red eyes with slit pupils like a reptile and the crest of black feathers. Its feet each have four talons and a single dewclaw.


  • Stun Flame Shot/Frozen Fire Shot (Petra Fire)): Performs a terrifying technique that does not carbonize its victims, but completely petrifies their body.
  • Feather Sword (Feather Cutter)